Quality Control

In order to ensure the quality of the target products, it is essential to implement appropriate quality control in the operation and manufacturing.
With a thorough inspection of ships and audit of product manufacturing plants, we investigate and evaluate quality control of such products so as to support our customers' quality improvement activities.


We support the quality control of our customers by utilizing our abundant knowledge of marine technology, knowledge of new shipbuilding construction management, and technology developed through many years of experience.
We prepare a survey sheet that satisfies our customers' requests, and our experienced staff visit the target ship, shipyard, and product manufacturing plant to check the quality conditions on the site with a strict eye. In this process, we assess the actual situation by measuring it from various angles, such as hearing the degree of understanding of the parties concerned and investigating and confirming documents, forms, and records related to quality control, and prepare and submit a report.
We can also support our customers' efforts to improve their quality, and provide support from the customer's point of view, such as giving advice on quality improvement based on the evaluation results.
In addition, we can provide comprehensive support such as trend analysis if you continuously rely on us for evaluation and improvement.
As for the evaluation and improvement, you can obtain the effect by continuing the investigation, so please consider our service.

Ship inspection service

JAPAN MARINE SCIENCE INC. is providing ship's quality check and assessment for own managed ships, chartered ships, and other ships which requested by customer.
After hearing requests from customers in advance, our experienced inspectors will be dispatched to the objected ship to check the ship's condition and safety management status from the customer's perspective, and to confirm the current state of ship's quality through on-site status checks and interviews with ship's crew.
In addition to conducting quality checks on the objected ships requested by customers, we can also conduct quality checks on the fleet handled by customers.
For customers who request to improve the quality of the objected ship or the fleet, we will offer its extensive experience and technical knowledge in proposing quality standards that are suitable for customers, and also provides on-going quality confirmation and consulting for quality improvement and advancement.



Business Inquiries

Ship inspection and other quality control services: Marine Technical Group
+81 44-548-9143
